Thursday, March 26, 2009

Latin America and European Leaders Show Support for Cuban Dissidents, on Hunger Strike Since Feb. 17

Viedos from Cubademocratic Directorio Democratico Cubano (Cuban Democratic Directorate). A group of European and Latin American leaders express their support for the hunger strike by the Cuban human rights activists.

Iris Tamara Pérez Aguilera, Jorge Luis García Pérez Antúnez y Diosiris Santana Pérez have all been on hunger strike since February 17, 2009. I think it's important to report that all of the strikes are Afro-Cubans. The racist Castro Regime is showing what truly racist bastards they are. Once again the communists show the world their true colors.

The reason for the hunger strike are as follows:

(1) The cessation of the torture and repression against the opposition in jail Mario Alberto Pérez Aguilera (a black man) and other Cuban political prisoners.

(2) The claim for the speedy and just resolution to the cases of thousands of Cubans to live without a home, returning to the campaign for a dignified and decent housing for every Cuban.

(3) The cessation of repression against peaceful human rights defenders, with the requirement to the Castro government to ratify and publish international human rights covenants and hence the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Cuba is a signatory.

Fist Part:

Second Part:

Third Part:

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